Please note that the ICA Network is NOT a crisis service
If you are experiencing a crisis, please call the Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta (403) 327-7905
What is ICA?
Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA) is a system or network that helps people get to the services that they need in the quickest way possible. This is done through system navigation and ICA referral pathways.
What Makes up the Lethbridge ICA System?
In Lethbridge, the work of our Integrated Coordinated Access System is done through consistent training of system navigators and population support navigators, and the development of tools and resources to support the system. On this website you will find information about the different components of the system, including:
System Navigators - Information about Tiered Navigators & Population Support Navigators. These pages will help determine who you can turn to for support, and where you and/or your organization might be able to work alongside the system. This is also where you will find links to register for training.
Referral Pathways - Search listings of service providers to find appropriate services in the community. Referral pathways are available to be searched either alphabetically by service provider or by a categorical breakdown of what the service is able to provide.
Counselling Subsidy - Information and forms for accessing counselling subsidies which may be available for members of the community and those supporting them.
Stabilization Funds - Information and forms for accessing stabilization funds which may be available to support short term accommodations to prevent or end homelessness.
Rental Listings - Listings of rentals in the Lethbridge area, updated weekly from various online sources.
Calendar of Events - List of upcoming events that offer support to the community or professional development as submitted by the community. This information is available in a calendar format on the home page as well as in a list of events on a separate page.
About ICA - Information on the guiding principles, development and history of ICA in Lethbridge.
Do You Need Assistance?
Resources on this website including the Getting Connected Booklet and referral pathways may help you find the support you need. These can be found on the pages above, or through the links on this page.
If you are not sure where to start or would like more help individuals trained as system navigators are ready to assist you, either in person or over the phone. If you are already connected to a support worker, it is recommended that you reach out to them.
A list of trained navigators is available on the Tier 2 System Navigator or Population Support Navigator pages to help choose a support that is relevant to you.
If you don’t know where to start, Community LINKS is available during regular business hours at communitylinks@cmhalethbridge.ca or by calling 403.328.5465
If you are currently experiencing a crisis and need immediate support outside of these hours, please reach out to the Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta at 403.327.7905
Becoming a Part of the ICA SYSTEM
If you are interested in supporting the work of the Lethbridge ICA System, you can find information on training opportunities, or look at the individual system navigator pages. Organizations with trained Tier 2 System Navigators are invited to send decision makers from their organization to be a part of the monthly Community of Practice to guide the development and continual improvement of the system in Lethbridge.
If you want to submit your programs and services to be added as a referral pathway, please submit this form to communitylinks@cmhalethbridge.ca to begin development. Please note, that the process of creating new referral pathways can take up to a month.
Finding Resources & Support
The following resources may be able to help you find the supports that you need. Please reach out to a system navigator or a population support navigator.
Referral PathwayS
Search for the service you are looking for by the name of the organization that needs it, or the category that best suits what you are needing support with.
Search Alphabetically by Organization Name
Search by Category of the Service you are Looking For
Alternatively you can use the electronic version of the GETTING CONNECTED booklet to help you find the service you are looking for.
If you are having difficulty finding the supports you need, please reach out for further assistance:
Call 403-328-5465 to talk to Community LINKS staff today!
The City of Lethbridge Fee Assistance Program provides Lethbridge residents who face financial barriers with the opportunity to participate in Recreation and Culture programs and activities, as well as services offered through Lethbridge Transit at a subsidized cost.
Community Calendar of Events
This calendar of events focuses on three different categories of events:
Lethbridge ICA Trainings & Events
Professional Development Opportunities for System Navigators
Events, Groups and Opportunities for Individuals Seeking Support
Click on an event in the calendar for more information.
To add your events to the calendar, please email communitylinks@cmhalethbridge.ca, events will be reviewed and added within two business days.
For additional events that may be outside of the scope of the Lethbridge ICA- including recreation and culture events- please see the City of Lethbridge Events Calendar
Lethbridge integrated coordinated access
is supported by
the Government of Canada (Reaching Home), the Government of Alberta (Family and Community Support Services)
and the City of Lethbridge