Tier 1 System Navigators
A Tier 1 System Navigator assists individuals who are looking to access services within the community. This may include general requests for information or if someone is looking for something specific, but doesn't know where to start.
Examples of system navigators - Business owners, coaches, HR professionals, program leaders (i.e. Girl Guides, Scouts, 4H), bus drivers, factory workers, religious/spiritual leaders, primary health care staff, frontline workers, customer service representatives, parents, and more...
Tier 1 System Navigators can help by:
Listening and responding to requests in a non-judgmental, inclusive, and compassionate manner
Providing accurate information and supporting individual choice
Recognizing crisis vs. non-crisis situations
Understand when situations are over and above a Tier 1 System Navigator, and refers to a Tier 2 System Navigator
Using ICA Referral Pathways
For example - Someone is wondering how to find out about different sporting activities in Lethbridge. The System Navigator can provide information about the City of Lethbridge Recreation and Culture Guide and/or Lethbridge Sport Council.
Visit the Calendar of Events for information on upcoming Tier 1 System Navigator Training Opportunities (offered quarterly), or connect with us to schedule a Tier 1 training Session for your group or organization.
Check out this one pager for more information on being a Tier 1 System Navigator.
SYSTEM NAVIGATion resources
Initial resources will focus on tools and information for System Navigator 1 individuals and organizations.
Use the electronic version of the Getting Connected booklet
Access pathways to services that are available on the ICA Website
Contact Community LINKS Information & Referral for more support at 403-328-LINK (5465).