Integrated Coordinated Access
An essential component of LETHBRIDGE’S Community Wellbeing & Safety Strategy
Background Information About the
Lethbridge Integrated Coordinated Access System
Initial Development
Lethbridge’s Community Wellbeing & Safety Strategy (CWSS) lays the foundation for programs and services that support the health and wellbeing of all community members.
In 2018/2019, the City of Lethbridge, Community Social Development (CSD) completed a comprehensive process to develop a 5-year strategic plan grounded in research, data analysis, best practices and community engagement.
A needs assessment was completed that compiled findings from:
available federal, provincial and municipal data sources, public engagement and consultations
information from other initiatives
social asset mapping to discern the priority social challenges in Lethbridge
As a part of ongoing development and refinement, the process is underway to engage with the community to update and respond to the CWSS.
The CWSS identified system navigation as both a challenge for individual seeking supports as well as a barrier for service providers and caregivers who spent considerable time researching services and options for individuals being supported
As a core activity of the CWSS, Integrated Coordinated Access is a community-wide effort that connects organizations, frontline staff, community members, and stakeholders. This occurs through common language, agreed upon pathways for information and referral, and foundational training. ICA is a system or network that outlines the paths in which people in our community travel to find help.
The Lethbridge ICA network is an ever-evolving collective effort that will impact our entire community.
When we follow the guiding principles of ICA we collectively and collaboratively improve the safety and wellbeing of all community members (clients) by making information and referrals more effective and efficient.
No matter where someone is looking for help, they are connected to the right supports. All entry points in the system are equal.
Policies, and processes are grounded in what individuals and families tell us they need, as opposed to what systems or programs perceive the needs and solutions to be.
All people seeking services will receive exceptional navigation support. We commit to taking action to provide equity of access and opportunity for all.
We are stronger and more effective together and will work to incorporate all sectors and systems as equal partners in the ICA system.
We are committed to building a seamless network of information and referral support, and will continue to challenge disparate efforts out of alignment with our community's priorities.
We will prioritize being flexible, adaptable, and quick-to-act to meet the fast-pace of change in our community.
We will build on what works and promote the strengths and resilience of individuals, families, and the community.
We will try new approaches and ways of working together to best meet community needs. We fully expect to learn, make mistakes, and fine-tune processes as we shift our work in this new direction.
ICA Partnerships
The ICA network is a community-designed and implemented initiative driven by information provided by the Community of Practice and CWSS while being supported in administrative functions by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta South Region as lead implementation agency.
Participation of community-based organizations and system partners is integral to the success of the ICA network and vision
The Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta South Region (CMHA, ASR) is the lead implementation agency for ICA in Lethbridge. It provides leadership and support for service providers participating in ICA. CMHA, ASR is actively involved in the design of ICA, engaging community partners to shape and evolve ICA, communicating ICA progress within the community, offering backup support for complex client situations, and facilitating or coordinating training to service providers.
For the list of other trained and participating organizations, please see the Tier 2 System Navigator page
Lethbridge Integrated Coordinated Access is Supported and Funded by:
The City of Lethbridge's role in the ICA network is to act as convenor, collaborator, and catalyst for funding, and establish a streamlined, integrated information and referral network. The City of Lethbridge, Community Social Development is responsible for working in the community and with the community to implement social policy in Lethbridge through the administration of social service contracts.