Community of Practice
“Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”
- Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner
The purpose of the Community of Practice is to build capacity amongst organizations throughout the Lethbridge ICA System that may have staff trained as Tier 2 System Navigators and/or Population Supports Navigators.
Through each meeting, organizations are updated on changes to the system and resources, have a voice in decisions made for the future of the system, as well as share their own knowledge related to being a part of Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA).
Organizations with trained staff are invited and encouraged to send a representative of their organization with the authority to speak on their behalf and make decisions to help inform the ongoing development and improvement of the Lethbridge ICA.
Community of Practice Meetings for the Lethbridge ICA are held monthly on the second Thursday of each month, with a standing agenda to address trends and gaps both throughout the system and within priority populations, as well as develop working groups to address potential improvements and emerging issues.
For more information, please see the Terms of Reference for the Community of Practice, as well as upcoming agendas and past meeting minutes below
If you want your organization to be represented at the Community of Practice, or are unsure if they are, please email David Gabert at davidg@cmhalethbridge.ca
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Use the following links to find copies of the minutes from past Community of Practice Meetings, and agendas for upcoming meetings.
If you have something you would like to add to the agenda, or would like to present to the Community of Practice on changes or opportunities that may impact members of the Lethbridge ICA network, please email David Gabert at davidg@cmahlethbridge.ca