Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO), Nord-Bridge Seniors Association,
and Lethbridge Family Services – Counselling, Outreach and Education (LFS-COE)
What is the Seniors Support Navigators (SSN) Program?
The team of Seniors Supports Navigators (SSN) offers information & referrals, and outreach support to seniors in need over the age of 60 years who are experiencing age related challenges. Services are individualized and driven by psychosocial assessments and seniors centered service planning inclusive of:
Navigating and accessing community, health, and social resources (i.e. financial benefits/assistance applications, housing applications, etc.)
Emotional support to facilitate healthy coping habits focused on improving quality of life
Connection to social engagement opportunities targeting reduced isolation
Ongoing support of seniors experiencing complex psychosocial needs related to aging challenges (i.e. Deteriorating cognition with no support, mobility impairments causing safety concerns remaining home alone)
Facilitate educational and support groups
Providing appropriate referrals that are tailored to seniors and case consultation when necessary
The SSN Referral Form can be completed and emailed to the email address listed below. Reach out to the intake number if you have additional questions.
Website: Seniors System Navigation Team – Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (lethseniors.com)
Email: intake@lethseniors.com
Phone: (403) 329-1544
Information & Resources For Seniors
Seniors Centres
Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization
Address: 500 - 11th Street South Lethbridge, AB T1J4G7
Phone: 403-320-2222
Email: inquiries@lethseniors.com
Nord-Bridge Seniors Centre
Address: 1904 - 13th Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 4W9Phone: (403) 329-3222
Email: friendly@nordbridgeseniors.com
Crisis Resources
Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta
1-888-787-2880 (Toll free)
Mental Health Help Line
Call 1-877-303-2642 (Toll free)
Situation Reports
The following reports outline research and best practices for the senior population that have been compiled by the Senior Community Serving Partnership (SCSP) to provide insight to options available for supporting youth in our community:
2023 Reports
The SCSP is made up of multiple organizations: Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO), Nord-Bridge Seniors Association, and Lethbridge Family Services – Counselling, Outreach and Education (LFS-COE).
Seniors Support Navigators provide specific training and educational opportunities to community organizations and System Navigators to ensure that all members of our system can support seniors in a way that meets their unique needs.
These trainings are available quarterly, and upcoming dates are available on the Calendar of Events