Housing Stabilization Funds

The Housing Stabilization Funds (HSF) provides funding for The Stabilization of housing needs to Residents of the City of Lethbridge for a maximum of three (3) months in a Year. funds are approved and disbursed in a maximum of one (1) Month at a time.


Applications Being Accepted for April 1, 2025

How to access Stabilization Funds

  • Must be a resident of the City of Lethbridge or relocating to the City of Lethbridge.

    Must have found housing prior to applying for the fund, and have a plan to maintain housing following the funded period.

    Must meet one of the following criteria:

    • Experiencing homelessness and leaving an emergency shelter or the street.

    • Housed and moving to another housing situation because of domestic violence, fire/flood, accommodate a change in family size, or other extenuating circumstances.

    • Housed and moving due to a high rent situation.

    • Have delays in receiving confirmed income from provincial or federal sources resulting in a delay in the ability to pay rent.

    • People receiving financial assistance through provincial or federal funding, are housed and have an interruption in funding or income.

    Must be willing to report on changes and update on usage of funds and progress made monthly.

    Must not have accessed the maximum amount of HSF funding available in the current calendar year.

  • The funds may be issued to cover a maximum of three (3) months costs, issued and applied for on a month to month basis for:

    • Rent – This includes private residences, supported living facilities, subsidized housing, treatment programs, short term accommodations (example hotel).

    • Funds must be payable to the applying service provider applying for the the funding. Execption may be given to provide the funds directly to landlords with funder approval.

    The funds will not cover:

    • Security deposits or damages

    • Parking

    • Moving costs

    • Setting up a residence i.e., furnishings, food, etc.

    • Utilities

    • Insurance

    • Rental arrears

    • Pet Deposit

    • Remediation expenses

    • Incidentals for short-term accommodations such as hotels, motels, etc.

  • Please fill out the following application package if you are a Tier 2 System Navigator with a service provider providing supports for an individual:

    Agency Application Package Applying on Behalf of an Individual

    If you are not connected to a service provider, individuals will need to make an appointment with Community LINKS to determine eligibility for stabilization funds. Email communitylinks@cmhalethbridge.ca for more information.

    NOTE: All individuals will need to agree to connect for follow-up reports and services; as well as have a housing location found in order to apply for stabilization fund. Individuals need to have a plan for stabilization of housing and rent payments within the 3 month period prior to applying.

  • Individuals will be expected to provide the following required information in their application:

    • Information on rental unit (address, landlord contact information, cost, move-in/move-out dates, etc.)

    • Information on income sources

    • Information on attempts to access other services

    • Plan for sustaining housing after the stabilization period

    In addition, the following documents may be requested on a case by case basis

    • Lease/Property Management/Owners letter or promised address verifying monthly rent.

    • Self-declaration that you are establishing a residence.

    • Any other documents supporting the need to access sabilization funds (denial letter from income sources, notices of delay in payments, etc.)

    • In Case of Fire/flood – supporting letter from property management, police/fire department report or insurance letter/report (where applicable).

    • Landlord eviction notice.

  • Please fill out the following form monthly if you are providing supports to an individual with access to funds:

    Stabilization Funds Monthly Report

    Please fill out the following form if any information has changed since the initial application:

    Stabilization Amendment Form


Who fills out the application?

Any Tier 2 System Navigator can assist individuals with filling out an application (documents found above).

Individuals who are not connected to a service provider, need to connect with Community LINKS and book a meeting to fill out the application to determine what plans are in place for stabilization.

Where are applications submitted?

Referrals from Tier 2 System Navigators can be emailed to communitylinks@cmhalethbridge.ca

Individuals who are not connected to a service provider can connect with Community LINKS to book a meeting to discuss eligibility and fill out an application through one of the following way:

  • Phone: 403.328.5465

  • In-Person: Letbridge Public Library - Main Branch

    (810 5th Ave S.; Monday to Friday, 9 am - 5 pm)

Meetings to fill out applications may need to be booked in advance depending on staff availability.

What if funds need to be returned?

If funds are unused due to changes in the application or changes in housing, the remainder will need to be returned to CMHA.

*Note: The following scale provides guidelines on the total funds available to a maximum of three months with income levels based on the 2022 Government of Alberta Core Need Income Threshold (CNIT). Short-term accommodations such as hotels/motels, etc. are reviewed on a month-to-month basis.