Shelter Population Support Navigator
Blood Tribe Department of Health – Lethbridge Wellness Shelter & Stabilization Unit
What is the Shelter Population Support Navigator Program?
Shelter Population Navigator & Case Manager offers connections to the continuum of care for the most vulnerable in the city. Working with the homeless population and shelter guests who are 18+ by providing population specific navigation and referrals:
Focusing on individuals who are chronically homeless or at risk of homelessness with a range of acuity and needs
Providing support for overall wellbeing including physical and mental health
Connecting to social & community resources (i.e. financial benefits/ assistance, housing applications/referrals, medication coverage etc.)
Assisting in recovery when needed (i.e. detox and treatment applications, medical assessments etc.)
Diverting participants from the shelter (i.e. arranging rides home, assisting with calling to domestic violence emergency shelters, etc.)
Diverting participants to Stabilization Unit
Providing consultation, direction and aid in rapport building for homeless serving agencies when requested
Working collaboratively with other homeless serving agencies to provide appropriate supports and cultural supports to shelter guests/participants
Reach out to the intake number if you have additional questions.
Phone: 587-612-5356 Ext: 8702
Email: chevie-lee.m@btdh.ca
Information & Resources
Lethbridge Wellness Shelter & Stabilization Unit
The LWS-SU is a facility focused on Emergency Shelter and Residential Recovery Services. The Wellness Shelter provides 24-hour emergency shelter along with shelter diversion supports that may include emergency housing, addiction recovery and mental health referrals. Residential Recovery Services focuses on recovery maintenance, community integration, life skills training, employment support, and education for individuals 18 or older. Services are also available to support individuals transitioning back into the community from residential treatment services.
Address: 802 2a Avenue North, Lethbridge Alberta
YWCA Harbour House
This service is for women and/or women and children fleeing abuse.
Crisis Line: 403-320-1881
Recovery Centre - Medically Supported Detoxification
A 24/7 service that helps people detoxifying from alcohol and other drugs in a safe, controlled setting. It is an adult detoxification service that also provides residential substance use disorder treatment.
Call: 403-388-6243
Email: LethbridgeRecoveryCentreReferrals@ahs.ca
Situation Reports
The following reports outline research and best practices for individual accessing the shelter that have been compiled by the Shelter Population Support Navigator to provide insight to options available for supporting youth in our community:
2024 Reports
* Coming Soon