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Compass Project Kick-Off Event

To truly create better social outcomes, it is essential that individuals seeking help, service providers, and decision-makers have the right tools and information at their disposal.

Lethbridge has proudly been selected as one of three communities in Alberta to participate in the Compass Project. The goal of this project is to help design technology and data systems that can better connect people to help, support information and referral, provide data for decision-making, and integrate information and services.

In this kick-off event you will learn about:

  • Compass project activities, timeline and goals

  • The role of service providers and people with lived experience in designing the platform

  • How the Compass Project supports the activities of the Lethbridge Community Wellbeing & Safety Strategy (CWSS)

Why attend?

  • Have a say in what a new social services technology should look like as well as how to improve the HelpSeeker navigation platform

  • Hear about how you can help take information and referral in Lethbridge to the next level

Join us to learn more about the Compass project and your role in the development of Lethbridge's new technology platform for social services.

To register:

Questions: Please contact

April 7

Counselling Subsidy Review Meeting

April 14

Community of Practice